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Portland Toilet Clogs

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Portland Toilet Clogs

Reasons for Portland Toilet Clogs

  • Too much toilet paper is one of the main reasons that a toilet becomes clogged. This can be due to too much toilet paper being passed in a single flush. However, according to All Pro Plumbing services, toilet paper buildup can also occur over time, a simple solution to this is to have a waste basket nearby.
  • Curious children may also cause a clogged toilet by strategically throwing various items and attempting to flush them. This can include anything from their toys, crayons, keys, food, Mom’s makeup, pretty much anything they can wrap their little fingers around.  Children’s toilet safety locks may be something worth investing in.
  • Any type of feminine hygiene product including medicated sanitary wipes, menstrual pads and tampons, should not be flushed down the toilet. These items are large and will quickly clog up a toilet’s pipes, considering their purpose is to soak up liquid.
  • Cotton swabs and cotton balls should not be flushed down any toilet. These items can build up and cause a messy toilet clog.
  • Excessive amounts of hair being flushed down a toilet can lead to a clogged toilet. This is especially true if pet hair or other hair is being flushed down the toilet on a regular basis.
  • Baby wipes, diapers and other baby related products should not be flushed. Diapers especially can lead to instant clogging. Meanwhile, baby wipes can build up and quickly lead to a clogged toilet.
  • Paper towel and other types of sanitary wipes, including disinfectant wipes used for cleaning, should not be flushed down the toilet. While some of these products may be advertised as “flushable,” the only item, according to Drain Services, that should ever go down a toilet is toilet paper.
  • Lastly, litter in litter boxes should definitely not be going into the toilet.  That should be self-explanatory.  Nor should oatmeal, or rice.  All of those matters may expand and clog up your pipes immediately.

Tips to resolve Portland Toilet Clogs

  • Portland Toilet Clogs Tip #1:  Apply a bit of petroleum jelly to your plunger. Smooth petroleum jelly around the rim of a plunger may improve suction. The added suction boost can give your plunger enough power to force the clog out of place and allow water to flow freely.   🙂
  • Portland Toilet Clogs Tip #2:  You can purchase a “snake,” at your local Portland hardware store.  Push the wire or hose straight through the toilet clog to hopefully break it up and push the debris through.
  • Portland Toilet Clogs Tip #3:  The natural, eco-friendly alternative to drain chemicals, is to pour 1/2 cup of baking soda into the toilet and follow it up with 1/2 cup of vinegar. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes and dissolve the clog. Plunge the toilet to push the clog through.
  • Portland Toilet Clogs Tip #4:  Dish soap is formulated to break-down solids and oils, which makes it perfect for removing toilet clogs. Mix dish soap and boiling water to create a sudsy fluid and pour it into the toilet. Allow the mixture to sit in the toilet for 5 to 10 minutes to break down the particles. Use your plunger to push the clog through through and flush to ensure the clog has passed.

Now, if all else fails, All Pro is your local bro.  Call your friendly neighborhood All Pro plumber to assist with any Portland Toilet Clogs, we will be more than happy to accommodate your needs.

For more information on Portland Toilet Clogs, or with any other assistance, please call All Pro Plumbing for a fast friendly service at (503)579-5555.

Portland Toilet Clogs in Northwest Portland, Southwest Portland, Beaverton & Hillsboro OR

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